Raw Jicama Chili Fries

I absolutely love these delicious Jicama Chili Fries. Jicama (pronounced \ˈhē-kə-mə\ is a a pale brown turnip with a crisp sweet taste. It is the tuberous root of a tropical American vine (Pachyrhizus erosus) of the legume family that is eaten raw or cooked.  The Jicama originated in Mexico. You can find jicamas in most stores. I only used one jicama to produce this big bowl of fries!  Jicama health benefits are numerous! It is low in calories and an excellent source of fiber, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins C and E. In fact, 1 cup of jicama contains nearly 6 grams of fiber. Jicama helps keep your cholesterol levels under control and may help protect against heart disease. Eating jicama also helps boost your immune system, promote healthy bones, and protect you against colds and flu - all great reasons for enjoying jicama.  You will love these!

Raw Jicama Chili Fries
Printable Recipe

1 large jicama
1 tsp. extra virgin olive oil
1 tsp. chili powder
2 tsp. nutritional yeast
1/4 tsp. sea salt

1.)  Peel and slice jicama into french fry shapes.  Coat well with 1 tsp. olive oil.  Add chili powder, nutritional yeast and salt.  Mix well and serve. Pin It

Chick'n Chili Verde Soup

 You are all going to love my latest soup creation "Chick'n Chili Verde Soup".  It is absolutely delicious and can be served with some homemade wholegrain breadsticks (shown above), or some healthy tortilla chips crushed into the soup.  Also, don't forget your raw organic greens on the side.  I started this soup creation by using one piece (2.5 oz.) from the product Gardein Chick'n Scallopini. This is a plant-based product that you can find in the frozen section of your health food store. One piece has 2 grams of fat ,14 grams of protein, 30% of your iron needs and 2 grams of fiber. It was a very nice addition to this soup and adds some extra nutrition. I know you and your family are going to love this soup.

Chick'n Chili Verde Soup
Serves 4

1 Gardein Chick'n Scallopini Piece (chopped into cubes)
1 tsp. olive oil
1 clove garlic (minced)
1 yellow onion (diced)
1 extra large or 2 smaller tomatillos
1/2 jalapeno pepper (chopped finely)
1/2 red bell pepper (diced)
1 Anaheim pepper (diced)
1 1/2 cups corn (fresh or frozen)
6 cups salt-free vegetable broth (Rapunzel salt-free bouillon)
2 small juiced limes or 1 large lemon
1/2 tsp. coriander
1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
2 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. cumin
2 tsp. sea salt
1 Tbsp. agave nectar
2 Tbsp. arrowroot powder (mix with small amount of cold water, then add some hot soup mixture, then add to soup.

1.)  Cut Chick'n piece into small squares.  Put 1 tsp. olive oil in soup pot and cook Chick'n pieces until slightly browned.  Add minced garlic, chopped onion, tomato and peppers.  Cook for 2 minutes stirring carefully.  Add in corn, 6 cups vegetable broth, agave and seasonings.  Bring to a boil and then reduce to simmer.  Mix 2 Tbsp. arrowroot powder with a little cold water.  Then add some hot soup mixture to the arrowroot powder before adding the entire mix to soup.  This will help to thicken the soup a bit. 

2.)  Enjoy with homemade bread sticks or crunchy tortilla strips.

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Roasted Sweet Potato and Anaheim Pepper with Chili-Lime Dressing

I love that this colorful creation offers a nice compliment between raw & cooked food. It is an extremely easy and nourishing meal. I started with sweet potato and anaheim pepper.  I roasted them in the oven together for 45 minutes.  Then I added organic frozen corn,  salt-free organic red beans, raw pumpkin seeds and my own fat-free Chili-Lime Dressing.  I placed the salad on a big bed of organic baby spinach. 
No additional dressing is needed for the spinach because the salad is bursting with so much flavor.  Absolutely delicious and very satisfying.  I highly recommend this yummy dish. Try to buy your ingredients organic whenever possible. Read below for all the health benefits of this amazing salads ingredients.

Sweet potatoes are packed with massive amounts of vitamin A, a nutrient considered critical in maintaining proper eye health. One sweet potato contains nearly eight times an adult's daily need of this important vitamin, and, because the vitamin is fat-soluble rather than water-soluble, the body can store it for later use. So many Americans are deficient in this important vitamin that the sweet potato might be seen as a critical health food for our inadequate diets.

Pumpkin seeds are a natural source of beneficial carbohydrates, amino acids and unsaturated fatty acids. They contain most of the B vitamins, along with C, D, E, and K. They also have the minerals calcium, potassium, niacin, and phosphorous. They are very high in potassium, and have good amounts of beta carotene and vitamin C.

Black beans are a very good source of cholesterol-lowering fiber, as are most other legumes. In addition to lowering cholesterol, black beans' high fiber content prevents blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making these beans an especially good choice for individuals with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When combined with whole grains such as brown rice, black beans provide virtually fat-free high quality protein. Black beans are a good source of manganese, protein, magnesium, thiamine (vitamin B1), phosphorus and iron.

Corn is a wonderful whole grain food that is a good source of vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, folate, fiber, vitamin C, Phosphorous, Manganese and a nutrient called beta-cryptoxanthin. Beta-cryptoxanthin is a strong antioxidant and prevents the free radicals that can damage your cells and DNA. In addition to preventing birth defects, Folate can also help to lower your risk of heart attack, stroke and peripheral vascular disease. It has been estimated that consumption of 100% of the daily value of folate would, by itself, reduce the number of heart attacks suffered by Americans each year by 10%. Folate-rich diets are also associated with a reduced risk of colon cancer. Corn is also a good source of Thiamine which is a nutrient essential to good brain cell health and mental function. The brain uses Thiamine to make a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine which is essential for good memory. In addition, maintaining healthy acetylcholine levels may help to reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease.

Spinach nutrition is amazing. The calcium content in spinach and the other dark leafy greens strengthens bones. The A and C vitamins in spinach plus the fiber, folic acid, magnesium and other nutrients help control cancer, especially colon, lung and breast cancers. Folate also lowers the blood levels of something called homocysteine, a protein that damages arteries. So spinach also helps protect against heart disease. The flavonoids in spinach help protect against age related memory loss. Spinach's secret weapon, lutein, makes it one of the best foods in the world to prevent cataracts, as well as age related macular degeneration, the leading cause of preventable blindness in the elderly. Foods rich in lutein are also thought to help prevent cancer.As you can see, the health benefits of spinach are numerous. The vitamins and calcium in spinach, combined with the overall nutritional value of spinach, make this vegetable and its dark leafy green cousins top picks for healthy food choices.

  The capsaicin in peppers is known to inhibit a neuropeptide, Substance P, that is the key brain pain transmitter.They are a wonderful source of vitamin K, which promote proper blood clotting and helps protect cells from oxidative damage.The amount of the carotenoid called lycopene, makes peppers a good candidate for the prevention of cancers in the bladder, prostate, cervix and pancreas. The capsaicin in peppers is also known to decrease cholesterol, boost immunity, and reduce the amount of bacteria in the stomach that can lead to ulcers. The capsaicin in peppers is known to increase the body temperature and heat production, along with increasing the oxygen consumption which means the body burns more calories in the 20 minutes after consuming peppers. Peppers are an excellent source of vitamins A and C along with fiber, making them immunity boosters. They are also known to reduce the inflammation found in arthritis and asthma.
Roasted Sweet Potato and Anaheim Pepper with Chili-Lime Dressing
Serves 2

1 large sweet potato (cubed)
1 large anaheim pepper (sliced in chunks)
1 tsp. olive oil
1 cup fresh or frozen corn
1 cup unsalted red beans (drained & rinsed)
1/4 cup raw pumpkin seeds

Chili-Lime Dressing:
1 1/2 Tbsp. fresh lime juice
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. water
1 medjool date (don't forget to take pit out)
1 tsp. chili powder
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/2 tsp. oregano
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. black pepper
1/8 tsp. cayenne pepper

1.) Heat oven to 375 degrees. Coat sweet potato chunks and anaheim chili with 1 tsp. olive oil.  Place mixture in roasting pan and cook for 45 minutes.

2.) Remove from oven and add frozen or fresh corn, red beans and pumpkin seeds. Mix well. 

3.) Make dressing by placing all ingredients in personal size blender and blend well.  Add dressing to sweet potato mixture.

4.)  Serve by placing large handfuls of baby spinach on 2 plates and divide mixture evenly on top of the spinach.

5.)  Enjoy this delicious and healthful meal.

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Artichoke-Mushroom Crepes with Marinara Sauce

Last week I spent a few days in Las Vegas with my fun hubby.  We went to see the musical "The Lion King" at the Mandalay Bay Resort and it was fabulous. While we were waiting for the show to start, we wandered around the resort shopping center. We ran into a little crepe place and it gave me the idea to create a Vegan Crepe when I got home.  One of their crepes had artichoke hearts, tomatoes, grilled mushrooms and zucchini-topped with marinara sauce-yummy! I began my creation on Saturday and my first attempt turned out perfect!  I used freshly ground white whole wheat flour, almond milk, water, Earth Balance and salt. I used my Villaware Tortilla Maker to cook them, but you can use any skillet.  I left my tortilla maker open and only cooked one side of the crepe. While cooking you add the filling and flip both sides of the crepe over to cover the ingredients. You need to chill the crepe batter for at least 2 hours, so plan ahead on your meal.  Do not leave this step out or your beautiful, delicate crepes won't turn out.  I hope you will give these crepes a try. They are sooo....tasty and extremely easy! 

Artichoke-Mushroom Crepes with Marinara Sauce
Printable Recipe
Serves 4

1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 cup + 2 Tbsp. water
1/4 cup melted Earth Balance
1 cup white whole wheat flour
1/4 tsp. salt

1.  In large bowl mix all ingredients together.  Cover and chill for at least 2 hours.  Do not leave this step out or the crepes will not turn out.

2.  Depending on the pan you use to cook the crepes, you can add a little coating of oil if needed.  My tortilla maker did not require any oil.  Pour about 1/4-1/3 cup batter on the pan and use a knife to smooth the batter out in a circle and create a thin surface.  When the top of the batter looks dry, add all your fillings in the center.  Flip edges over the filling and remove from skillet.  Place crepe so the folds are facing down on the serving platter.  Cover with your favorite marinara sauce and garnish with non-dairy cheese & fresh parsley.

Filling for Crepes
1 6.5 oz. jar of artichoke hearts
1 large tomato (diced)
8 oz. white mushrooms (sliced & grilled)
1 7" zucchini (sliced & grilled)
1 tsp. Earth Balance
salt & pepper to taste

In small skillet add 1 tsp. Earth Balance. Grill mushrooms and zucchini until tender. Add salt & pepper to taste. Arrange artichoke hearts, diced tomato and the grilled mushroom/zucchini mixture on a plate in preparation for filling crepes. 
Topping for Crepes
12 oz. marinara sauce (your favorite) for top of crepes
Daiya non-dairy cheese (mozzarella style) for garnish
fresh parsley (for garnish)

Arrange crepes on plate.  Cover with warmed marinara sauce, a sprinkle of Daiya cheese and fresh parsley.
Enjoy! Pin It